BRAYNER S.A. is defined as a company specialized in cutting and precision tools, whose fundamental objective is to supply high quality products, which represent for the client an excellent solution, which satisfies their explicit or implicit needs, takes into account the applicable requirements and protection of the environment, and meets the established deadline and cost objectives.
In this way, the Philosophy and basic Objectives that will mark the course of our organization will be:
- Commitment to comply with all the requirements, whether legal, contractual or of any other nature, that are applicable to us due to our activity, both in the scope of the performance of our services and in the environmental scope of our activities.
- Commitment to carry out our work within a management environmentthat guarantees continuous improvement in our processes, in our methods of action and in our relationships with interested parties, through the establishment and review periodically of our quality objectives and our environmental objectives.
- Commitment to protect the environment and our surroundings, through actions and measures aimed at preventing any type of pollution that could arise from operations due to our activity, taking into account the context of our activity. organization.
- Commitment to promoting an understanding and dissemination of our quality and environmental management policy within our organization, through training and continuous communication with our workers as well as subcontracted companies.
- Control and verification of our services, guaranteeing at all times the highest level of quality and satisfaction of our clients
- Commitment to consider therisks and opportunities that may affect the conformity of the process.
The Quality and Environmental Management Policy of BRAYNER S.A. It is what guides us towards an improvement in the provision of our services and what guides us towards absolute control of the waste collected and produced by our own activity, and what guides us in the future towards carrying out actions to do not only the least possible damage to nature, but to the extent of our possibilities, favor it.
The Quality System implemented in BRAYNER S.A. has been focused to satisfy the requirements applicable to the UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 and UNE-EN-ISO 14001:2015 Standard, being structured and adapted to the specific activity of Supply of cutting and precision tools</strong >.
This Management Policy and the rest of the documentary support of the system that contemplates it, is mandatory for all BRAYNER S.A. personnel and is available to all interested parties.